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Brandon will Fight for Our Values

Quality Education

Texas schools must be equipped with curriculum that promotes unbiased learning. Brandon Hall is committed to dismantling liberal curriculums, like Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Our schools need to get back to the foundational principles of education, rooted in conservative values, to reclaim academic rigor and integrity and to provide students with a strong launching pad for their futures.

Empowering Texas Families

School choice is a beacon of opportunity. Every student, regardless of their zip code, deserves access to quality education. School choice fosters competition, driving schools to excel. Providing educational freedom means not only ensuring our students are provided the opportunity to succeed but also holds our education system to a higher standard. Brandon Hall is committed to making quality, conservative education a reality for all students.

Charter schools play an integral role in the advancement of educational opportunity, and Brandon is committed to removing the bureaucratic barriers which impede the establishment of charter options.

Defending Parental Rights

It is the right of parents to be the lead decision-makers in their children’s education. Brandon Hall believes in preserving and promoting parental rights, ensuring that parents play a central role in shaping the educational trajectory of their children.


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